University Syllabus Spring 2025


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Mississippi State University Syllabus

Dear Students, 

The University Syllabus informs you of very important policies that are relevant to every course at Mississippi State University.  It is important for you to be familiar with each policy listed below. The policies in this University Syllabus describe the official policies of the University and will take precedence over those found elsewhere.  Each class will have a course-specific syllabus providing learning expectations, assignments and activities, and additional responsibilities which are in addition to the general University Syllabus.  The academic calendar may be found at this link:  MSU academic calendar  At Mississippi State, we want to provide each of you the best learning experience possible.  Best wishes for a successful semester and career at Mississippi State University.

Dr. David R. Shaw

Provost and Executive Vice President


Mississippi State has adopted the following Honor Code.  You are expected to abide by this code in all classes.  Some professors may ask you to print and sign.

Student Honor Code 

Mississippi State has an approved Honor Code that applies to all students. The code is as follows:

“As a Mississippi State University student, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.” 

Upon accepting admission to Mississippi State University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to uphold the Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning, and to follow the philosophy and rules of the Honor Code. These rules make clear that a student must not receive unauthorized assistance with their work. This principle includes the content created by generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools without authorization from the instructor. Students will be required to state their commitment to the honor code on examinations, research papers, and other academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the MSU community from the requirements or the processes of the Honor Code. For additional information, please visit:


Attending class is very important to your academic performance.   University excused absences are listed below.  With an excused absence you are allowed to make-up all missed work including tests.  University policy states that you cannot be forced to use a class drop grade for an excused absence.  However, it is your responsibility to communicate with your professor about your absence and completion of any missed work.

A professor may define class attendance, particularly as it pertains to in-class responsibilities, that go beyond just being present in the classroom.  The class policy may include statements about the importance of learning and attendance, the extent of credit or penalty for an unexcused absence, and how excused and unexcused absences are measured.  It is your responsibility to be aware of any specific class policies in addition to the general university policy.

For online courses, you will be considered in attendance when you; a) participate in a course activity (e.g., discussion board); and b) communicate with the course instructor regarding a course topic within a specified time frame. Logging into an online course without active participation does not constitute attendance. When students who are enrolled in an online course are aware of necessary absences, they should inform the instructor as soon as is possible so that other arrangements can be made.

Excused Absences per AOP 12.09 Class Attendance and Reporting Absences (

These approved excused absences are not subject to instructor discretion in course attendance penalties:  

  • Participation in an official university activity with authorization from an appropriate administrator sponsoring the activity (e.g., Department Head or higher). If the validity of the activity is questionable, the matter should be referred to the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for final resolution.  
  • Death in a student’s immediate family to include a student’s parent, legal guardian, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, spouse or partner, as well as natural, adopted and/or in-law children. 
  • Participation in legal proceedings or administrative procedures that require a student’s presence.  
  • Religious holy day.  
  • Illness that is too severe or contagious for the student to attend class. 
  • Required participation in military duties.  
  • Mandatory admission interviews for professional or graduate school that cannot be rescheduled.

An illness or injury of a student’s immediate family (to include parent, legal guardian, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, spouse or partner, as well as natural, adopted and/or in- law children) is eligible for excused absences, but is subject to the instructor’s discretion.  

University or other organized events intended to provide personal enrichment or entertainment will not be considered university authorized activities as it pertains to course attendance and will not qualify as an excused absence.


Starkville Campus:

Mississippi State University is committed to providing fair access to learning opportunities for all students. Should you need to access services, The Disability Resource Center is located at 01 Montgomery Hall and collaborates with students who have disabilities to arrange reasonable accommodations. If you have, or think you may have, a disability, please contact or 662- 325-3335 to arrange a confidential discussion regarding reasonable access and accommodations. Disabilities may include, but are not limited to, conditions related to mental health, chronic health, attention, learning, autism, brain injury, vision, hearing, mobility, speech, or intellectual disabilities. In the case of short-term disabilities (e.g., broken arm), students and instructors can often work to minimize barriers. If additional assistance is needed, please contact the Disability Resource Center (

Meridian Campus:

Mississippi State University is committed to providing fair access to learning opportunities for all students. Student Services at MSU-Meridian collaborates with students who have disabilities to arrange reasonable accommodations. If you have, or think you may have, a disability, please contact Kelli Wallace, Assistant Dean of Students at 601-696-2291 or email to arrange a confidential discussion regarding reasonable access and accommodations. Disabilities may include, but are not limited to, conditions related to mental health, chronic health, attention, learning, autism, brain injury, vision, hearing, mobility, speech, or intellectual disabilities. In the case of short-term disabilities (e.g., broken arm), students and instructors can often work to minimize barriers. If additional assistance is needed, please contact the Disability Resource Center


Two important parts of student welfare are your rights under Title IX and how to access help should you need to.

Title IX

MSU is committed to complying with Title IX, a federal law that prohibits discrimination, including violence and harassment, based on sex. This means that MSU’s educational programs and activities must be free from sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct. If you or someone you know has experienced sex discrimination, sexual violence and/or harassment by any member of the University community, you are encouraged to report the conduct to MSU’s Office of Civil Rights compliance at 325-5839 or by e-mail to Additional resources are available at

Safety on Campus

Mississippi State University values the safety of all campus community members. Students are enrolled in Maroon Alert, which will notify campus of ongoing or imminent threats. If you receive an alert:

1. Notify those around you.

2. Get to safety.

3. Follow alerts at or @MaroonAlert on X.


Fire Emergencies: In case of a fire emergency, evacuate the building and move away. Do not attempt to re-enter until responders deem it safe to do so.

Severe Weather: If a tornado warning is issued, move to an interior room on the lower level of your building. Several buildings have identified Severe Weather Refuge Areas, which may be used. Do not attempt to drive in severe weather. Visit for more information.

Active Attacker / Gunshots Reported: Use the Avoid, Deny, Defend model to respond to an active attacker situation.

1. Avoid the area and get to safety.

2. If you can’t Avoid, Deny anyone access to your location by locking or blocking yourself in a room. Turn off your cellphone ringer and wait for help.

3. If you can’t Avoid or Deny, Defend yourself. Coordinate with others and commit to taking down the attacker. Use anything at your disposal as a weapon.

Bomb Threats: Report any suspicious devices or substances to the University Police at 662-325-2121. Follow instructions for evacuating the area.

Additional emergency guidelines and helpful videos are available at Visit for upcoming sessions or contact Emergency Management to request training.

To report suspicious activity or to request a courtesy escort via Safe Walk, call University Police at 662-325-2121, or in case of emergency, call 911.

Starkville Campus Police: 662-325-2121

Meridian Campus Police: 601-484-0199


The Learning Center ( is available to support you in improving your academic performance.  The Learning Center offers tutoring services and support programs.


Mississippi State University expects students to adhere to policies regarding academic integrity and only use generative AI tools such as Chat GPT (or similar tools) when explicitly authorized by the instructor When use of generative AI is permitted for course assignments, the student may be required to provide a declaration outlining the tools used and the extent of their use in each submission. Individual instructors are encouraged to establish class-specific policies concerning the use of generative AI within their courses. The student must consult the syllabus for each class they are taking to determine if and to what degree generative AI is allowed.


You may or may not be required to use Honorlock in your course, but here is information should your professor indicate that Honorlock is required.

We will be using Honorlock, an online proctoring service, to proctor your exams this semester. You will need a computer, webcam, photo ID, and a stable Internet connection. You do not need to create an account, download software, pay a fee, or schedule an appointment in advance. To get started, you will need Google Chrome and to download the Honorlock Chrome Extension. You can download the extension at You should also review the information provided in Mississippi State University’s Honorlock Resources for Students guide. It is very important to check your system compatibility and Internet connection speed in advance as described in the guide. Honorlock support is available 24/7/365 at . If you encounter any issues, you are strongly urged to contact them by live chat within the Honorlock session.


In the event that face-to-face classes are suspended due to extenuating circumstances, such as weather, the instructor will continue instruction in a manner that best supports the course content and student engagement. In this event, all instructors will notify students of the charge via their university email address (the official vehicle for communication with students). At that time, they will provide details about how instruction and communication will continue, how academic integrity will be ensured, and what students may expect during that time that face-to-face classes are suspended. If a student becomes unable to continue class participation due to extenuating circumstances, (e.g., health and safety, loss of power, etc.) the student should contact their instructor and advisor for guidance. For additional guidance, please refer to Academic Operating Policy 12.09.


Faculty members of Mississippi State University are required to report any information received about possible sexual misconduct. This includes information shared in class discussions or assignments, as well as information shared in conversations outside of class. The purpose of reporting is to allow MSU to take steps to ensure a safe learning environment for all. The university also has confidential resources available, who can provide assistance to those who have experienced sexual misconduct without requiring a mandatory reporting duty. Students may access confidential campus resources here:


Other important information on how to ensure you have a quality and welcoming college experience while attending Mississippi State University can be found by reviewing pertinent university polices at and by visiting the Office of Civil Rights and Compliance web page at